February 12, 2011

0 Jervaulx Abbey

Jervaulx Abbey is near Middleham Castle, so we made an afternoon of the two sites.  Jervaulx is still privately owned, but is open to the public with an honesty box for donations. 

Gate to enter the ruins.

The view from the abbey over Wensleydale.  

There isn't much to the ruins, but what is there has been tended to be a careful balance of wildflowers and nature alongside the stone.

Surprise!  I like the arched doorways!

There are columns in there- I'm not sure what this room once was, but the free standing columns make me think nymphs and satyrs... not Cistercians!

The snowdrops have already started blooming!!

I really like this little window- I think it'd look even better with a Bramley apple and Wensleydale cheese pie cooling in it!

I don't know whether these are stone benches like a cloister area has or storage, but they are beautiful. 

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