March 23, 2012

2 Friday Food Day: Farm Delivery March 23, Dog Ice Cream, and I Love Scotland

Top row: skimmed milk, roast beef, cauliflower, leeks, celery, carrots
Middle row: lemons, apples, calabrese broccoli, spring greens
Front row: shitake mushrooms, red grapes, courgettes, baby spinach, green lettuce
 This week I ordered the fruit + veg box from Riverford. That included the apples, grapes, courgettes, carrots, spring greens, cauliflower, and leeks.  

Since Farm Delivery Friday has gotten kind of sparse lately, I decided to treat y'all to a favorite family recipe... for the dogs.

Dog Ice Cream!
 This is really easy: 
  • take one container (the bigger size, not the lunch size) plain yogurt- be sure it's plain, no sugar, and preferably fat free if you've got a pork-butt like Max. I use organic fat-free plain yogurt from our farm delivery!
  • A heapin' scoop of peanut butter (also fat free). The first time I made this I measured everything, and I think it was either 4:1 or 5:1 yogurt to pb.  Now I just dump a big tub of yogurt and put in a big spatula scoop of peanut butter.  The peanut butter helps the yogurt freeze creamy and lickable instead of a big hard lump.
  • and some flavor.   Today I added 1/2 cup natural applesauce; you can use bananas, blueberries, juice, tuna juice (gross but they like it!), etc- anything puree-able that your dogs like and is safe and healthy- i.e., no/low sugar and fat and as natural as possible.

Anyway.  Puree that mix in the blender, then pour it into little glass containers.  These are Pyrex and Anchor 1 cup containers.  You can use plastic, but we like reusable in our house.
Put the lids on and freeze.

Dog Ice Cream is both a treat and a great way for Max to cool off on hot (to him) days (everyday).
They lick it and carry it around, but I've rarely found a mess because they lick it before it melts- and no torn-up sticky plastic pieces left over, which we used to get with the store-bought dog ice creams.  
If you've got dogs, try this recipe instead of buying the store-bought kinds-
it's healthier, modifiable, and cheaper in the long run!  

Speaking of ice cream, I got an email today announcing Mackie's of Scotland's new "indulgence" flavors.
Including my favorite, strawberry.
If you've paid attention to previous FDFs, you'll remember my passion for Mackie's crisps
well, the ice cream is really what they're known for, but it's hard to find outside of Scotland.

We're planning a last-minute short break to Wales next week and all I can think of is going to Scotland...
I really love that country!


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