March 28, 2012

1 We're Back: Short Break in the Lakes

 Sorry for the blog-silence the past few days...
we managed a last-minute getaway to the Lakes 
and, although I'd intended to post from there,
our cottage didn't have internet.

It's amazing what I come home to in situations like this-
a page full of new emails, FB notifications in the double digits, 
and a day's reading-worth of blogposts to catch up on y'all's lives.
All that, and I'm not even important...
that wasn't self-deprecating, I'm really not.
*edit* I still haven't checked our post/real mail, either.

As I sit here, tired and content,
sorting through my pictures, 
I'll show you a glimpse of what we spent the past 58 hours doing:

We loaded up the Bogeys, since the Lake District is arguably the most dog-friendly region in England.

 That meant most of our meals were spent like this.

The view from our holiday cottage- ahhhh!

Paul actually took a picture of me with one of the dogs! Unfortunately it was semi-posed, since he didn't offer until Max was wanting to leave me, but hey.  I take what I can get.
 Most of our time was spent like this: enjoying this amazing sunny weather with the dogs.
Sloan was tired from fetching and Max was enjoying a back-scratch.

Before you think we were never at the water, here are some ducks on Lake Windermere.

Of course, if you know me, 
you know I took more pictures than this.
I'll post them in the next couple of days.
Right now it's time to re-group on regular life.

At least it's still sunny!
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