November 13, 2012

5 Glen Affric, Scottish Highlands

The title is a bit of a lie. Glen Affric is huge, one of the largest glens in Scotland. and a well-known area for hikers, ramblers (which yes, is just another word for hikers everywhere but GB),  and people just wanting to get away and enjoy some Highland scenery. The lie is because these images are from just one short walk in Glen Affric, and a relatively easy one at that. We only went a few miles (I don't know the exact figure because at one point we left one trail for another without intending to), but that was the intention since we had Max with us.
We returned to an area we'd seen on our previous trip, Dog Falls, since we couldn't properly hike it then due to my having broken ribs at the time.  This time, though, I felt great, and I was excited to get deeper into the Glen and marvel at its beauty.

Our trail went up. Then further up. Then a bit more up.

 We stopped for a bit at this overlook for a break. I'm excellent at finding something I want to photograph right when I'm having trouble breathing from the exertion! 

"Everything the light touches..."

 Max, of course, found a cool spot in the shade. 

The River Affric.  Max gives it four cooled-off paws and a big slurpy drink of approval!

Glen Affric, situated just west of Loch Ness, is a part of the Highlands that has seen many battles and hid many an outlaw. The Caledonian pinewoods here are hundreds of years old, and to stand amidst them, looking out over views unchanged, is a remarkable way to feel simultaneously important and trivial in the course of history. This is exactly why Paul and I both recommend "sightseeing" beyond the cities and the monuments. Those are incredible, valuable experiences, but the true beauty of a place- especially one as seeped in mystery and legend as Scotland- is in its land.


  1. so THAT's the trick to getting dogs to cooperate in photos - hike 'em up a mountain! :P

  2. Beautiful photos, I've never been to Scotland, I'd like to go one day though

  3. Found your blog from Betsy's and though "peach and thistle? There must be a Georgia/Scotland connection there!"

    I know the Highlands well, and do miss them. Pennsylvania just doesn't compare, plus Scotland has no poison ivy ;)

  4. Gorgeous. Is that Sloan's Mufasa impression? :P

  5. Oh gosh, these photos are making me SO HOMESICK!!!
    Sniff, sniff.


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